Hitscan weapons : create distance based weapons that don't throw a projectile but rather instantly apply damage.Projectile weapons : machine gun, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, magic fireballs, build anything you want.Within a certain radius, states such as grounded or hurt, health levels, line of sight, target alive or not, time spent in a state or since the start of the level, and more!). Decisions : Just like actions, the engine comes with a lot of ready-to-use decisions that you can leverage to create complex behaviors : target detection (in line, in an area,.Shooting, changing weapons, flying along a path, swapping brains, trigger feedbacks, trigger events, jumping, walking or flying towards a target, and more! Creating your own can also be done with only a few lines of code. The asset comes with ready to use actions such as patrolling, patrolling within bounds, waiting, use the last known position of the target as the new target, Actions : Pick from many pre-defined actions, or create your own.Combine actions and decisions superĮasily via the inspector to create complex behaviours for your characters. New in v5.0 Take your enemies and friends to the next level using the Corgi Engine's Advanced AI system. the Retro Rabbit boss : a complex boss with two separate and destructible weapons, and evolving behaviours based on time and health.the Retro blob : a blue character that can adapt various strategies and shoot machine guns.the Retro ghost : basically Super Mario's ghost, will fly around and track you unless you face it.the Retro swordsman : a tiny yellow dude with a mean sword.the heavy corgi : he sure has one big armor.the dude : he doesn't do much, he just walks around.the green corgi : this little dude will follow you everywhere.the blob : it looks friendly but it will hurt you if you touch it.the buzzsaw : rotating and moving danger.
the blue round thingy : don't touch his spikes either!.the blue robot : this mean dude walks from left to right on slopes or even terrain, and shoots at the player as soon as it sees him.The demo levels include a bunch of enemies, complete with basic AI, health levels, movement animations and death effects.fly freely in all four directions (all the time or on command).swap control between multiple characters in your scenes (think Lost Vikings).switch character for another model or prefab at runtime.persist through different levels, maintaining value and component changes.control time (speed it up or slow it down).
shoot and use weapons, and more than one at once.climb ladders (regular or bidirectional ones).vertical dash which smashes the ground and shakes the camera.double jump (or any number of jumps you want).