An original story from the creator Akira Toriyama The story of DBFZ is divided into three arcs – Super Warrior Arc, Enemy Warrior Arc, and Android 21 Arc – with the overarching plot involving various groups of fighters taking on a new threat – Android 21, a former Red Ribbon Army scientist. Android 21, a brand new character written by Toriyama for the story mode, is also playable. The antagonists are represented by Nappa, Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, and Zamasu, among others. These include the protagonists Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan, as well as other Z-Warriors, like Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. The character roster is made of over 30 playable warriors from various sagas of the Dragon Ball series. The game can be played in various classic fighting game modes, such as Arcade and local/online Versus. While playing a team match, the player can switch between the members of their team on the fly or use them as support to launch more complicated combos. Each character has a specific set of regular and super attacks that the player can use to their advantage. Meet Goku and his friends The gameplay of Dragon Ball FighterZ focuses on 1v1 to 3v3 battles between the characters known from the DB series. The game received a universally positive reception, with critics praising the story, character roster, gameplay mechanics, and soundtrack. Other modes include an Arcade and Versus mode, as well as online and local multiplayer. The gameplay modes include a Story Mode, with the plot written by Akira Toriyama, author of the Dragon Ball manga. The game features the characters known form Dragon Ball Z anime and manga series, including the protagonist Son Goku, as well as many others. Dragon Ball FighterZ Dragon Ball FighterZ is a 2.5-D fighting game developed by Ark System Works and published by Bandai Namco. The Ultimate Edition adds new characters and music from the anime, completing the nostalgic feeling. Take in the brilliant graphics, approachable gameplay mechanics, and thrilling story in one of the best Dragon Ball games in history.